Legal Provider Identification
ARTland GmbH
represented by
Managing Partner: Ricarda Jacobi
Rotter Bruch 17
52068 Aachen
Phone: +49-(0)241-886900
registered in the commercial register of the district court of Aachen with the commercial register number HRB 3132
Business purpose: Production and distribution of artistic products.
VAT ID No.: DE 121683790
Tax Representation Switzerland:
ARTland GmbH, Aachen/DE
c/o Consila Treuhand AG
Mitteldorfstr. 37
5033 Buchs AG
VAT ID No.: CHE-261.141.493 MWST
Registration of Old Devices/Disposal:
WEEE Reg. No.: DE61287679
Information on meeting the quantitative targets for old devices according to §§ 10 para. 3, 22 para. 1 ElektroG can be found on the page of the
Federal Ministry for the Environment.
GLN 9008391778080
LN 40521
VREG No.: VP11191
Alternative Dispute Resolution:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), accessible at
We are not willing to participate in dispute resolution procedures before consumer arbitration boards.
We have been a member of the "FairCommerce" initiative since 03.03.2016.
For more information, please visit
Legal Notices for the Website
All texts, images, and other information published here are subject to the copyright of the provider, unless third-party copyrights exist. In any case, reproduction, distribution, or public disclosure is only permitted with the revocable and non-transferable consent of the provider.